Friday 14 February 2025
I am an Assistant Professor of Computer Science & Engineering at the University of California, Merced, where I direct the Inclusive Interaction Lab. My research program is interdisciplinary, spanning multiple areas, including computer science, cognitive science, human factors, virtual reality, accessibility, and applied artificial intelligence. My mission is to make computer systems more accessible by developing intuitive, effective, and enjoyable input and interaction techniques. I am the recipient of a Hellman Fellowship (2020) and an NSF CAREER (2023) award, as well as many best paper and honorable mention awards at premier venues in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). Before joining UC Merced, I was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Toronto Metropolitan University (FKA Ryerson University) and an NSERC ENGAGE Postdoctoral Research Fellow at York University. I was also a Research Intern at Microsoft Research, Redmond. I received my PhD in Computer Science & Engineering from York University and MSc in Computer & Mathematical Sciences from Lakehead University. I hold a BSc from Trent University in Computer Science & Studies.